Author: Sparky Clarkson

Batman: The Brave and the Bold Review

Why so Serious?

Batman: The Brave and the Bold Screenshot

HIGH Watching what looks like a separately animated scene reveal itself as part of a level.

LOW Episodes that hang around long after they've stopped being interesting.

WTF Catman? Clock King? Every time I think I've seen the weirdest Batman villain…

Nier Second Opinion

Method Playing

Nier Screenshot

HIGH Walking from third-person combat into a text adventure game.

LOW Some overly-melodramatic cutscenes in the… Oh, who am I kidding, it's the fishing.

WTF Walking from third-person combat into a text adventure game.

Metroid: Other M Review

Subtraction by Addition

Metroid: Other M Screenshot

HIGH When the game starts inverting and magnifying gravity.

LOW The cut-scene preceding a major boss encounter that depicts Samus as a sobbing child.

WTF Could you have maybe let me use the Varia suit before I spent all that time dying from heat?

Limbo Second Opinion

What you Don't Know Will Kill you… Twice

Limbo Screenshot

HIGH Every moment a spider is on the screen.

LOW A puzzle near the end that relies on a blind jump.

WTF The danger-free puzzles feel like they belong in another game.

Mafia II Review

Actually, it is for Nothing

Mafia II Screenshot

HIGH Eddie and Joe singing along drunkenly to "Return to me" in the car.

LOW The preceding half-hour, during which they vomit constantly.

WTF I failed one mission because the guy I was tailing ran into a taxi of his own accord.

DeathSpank Review

I Liked Him Better as a Pirate

DeathSpank Screenshot

HIGH The orphan Annie quest, which is humorously referential and also cute.

LOW The tedious, difficult, and somewhat buggy Pippin Apple quest line.

WTF I'm supposed to study a Thongolith?

Alpha Protocol Review

Lost in this Masquerade

Alpha Protocol Screenshot

HIGH Steven "Don't call me Steve" Heck.

LOW The '80s-themed boss fight against a knife-wielding cokehead who somehow is still talking after taking ten bullets in the face.

WTF Let me get this straight: a brilliant intelligence analyst lost track of his own daughter because she took her mother's maiden name?

ModNation Racers Review

Prepare Yourself for the Rubberband Man

ModNation Racers Screenshot

HIGH Fulfilling all the conditions to earn all of a track's prizes and skidding across the finish line in first.

LOW Fulfilling all the conditions to earn all of a track's prizes and getting dropped from first to sixth by attacks within sight of the finish line.

WTF Why did they include this dull story (announcers, skits, etc.) in career mode?

Red Dead Redemption Review

The Legend of John Marston

Red Dead  Redemption Screenshot

HIGH Taking down the Bollard Twins gang in a running gunfight in Pike's Basin.

LOW A late mission using a surprisingly ineffective car-mounted Browning machine gun in poor visibility.

WTF I went through all that crap with the grave robber just so he could dance like a lunatic in Fort Mercer?