Jazz – Gamecritics.com https://gamecritics.com Games. Culture. Criticism. Tue, 06 Jun 2023 09:05:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://gamecritics.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Jazz – Gamecritics.com https://gamecritics.com 32 32 213074542 Backbeat Review https://gamecritics.com/sparky-clarkson/backbeat-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=backbeat-review https://gamecritics.com/sparky-clarkson/backbeat-review/#respond Mon, 05 Jun 2023 11:00:00 +0000 https://gamecritics.com/?p=49867

HIGH Petting the dog! Players must pet the dog.

LOW Spending too much time getting Chaz to the sax in “Crouching Bassline, Hidden Saxophone”.

WTF Why do these people take their instruments everywhere?

The Fire in My Heart Went Out

HIGH Petting the dog! Players must pet the dog.

LOW Spending too much time getting Chaz to the sax in “Crouching Bassline, Hidden Saxophone”.

WTF Why do these people take their instruments everywhere?

Music, like games, is an individual taste. Some people love metal, some love jazz. Backbeat,
a game about a woman who finds her muse in funk, comes with its own unique gameplay
concept. I wanted to join in on the jam, but for me this mashup of puzzler and stealth-strategy
struck a discordant note.

Having lived through the mid-’90s and experienced the mainstream ascendance of R&B and
rap during that time myself, I was somewhat nonplussed by the focus on funk, and even
moreso in the context here. Funk music is intricate, but it’s not a natural stylistic fit for a
cerebral puzzle (better suited to baroque, perhaps) and its in-your-face attitude seems poorly
suited to a stealth title.

The story of Backbeat – a “Battle of the Bands” tale that wouldn’t be out of place in a late-
century teen comedy – doesn’t seem to connect to anything it asks the player to do, either.
And, with few exceptions, the “stealth” requirements of the levels don’t even make sense in
the context of the immediate plot.

That’s typical story/game conflict, though, and easily forgiven if the gameplay offers
something compelling. Backbeat’s levels ask the player to route different characters (who
mostly have different stride lengths and special abilities) around ‘alert’ zones within a certain
number of moves. The characters travel different numbers of tiles per move and use up
different amounts of a timeline in doing so, producing a puzzle of geometry and time.

The player also has to manage resources, most of which go up or down based on when the
characters mark the timeline by changing directions or taking actions. There’s “stagger”,
which depletes when multiple characters mark the timeline simultaneously, and “align”, which
requires the characters to mark the timeline at certain points. Obviously these are in tension.
This is even more so with “solo”, which requires that only one character at a time use an interaction point in the level, and “assist”, which needs certain pairs of characters to use interaction points simultaneously.

Managing these meters along with the awkward movement of the characters and the alert
zones and the finite timeline provides Backbeat‘s challenge, which ramps up very fast and
stays high until to the end. The difficulty is amplified by the almost pathological resistance to
providing the explicit numbers behind what it’s asking the player to manage. Everything is
displayed as bars and radar graphs, leading to a lot of trial and error due to the lack of clarity.
It also seems like (though because of the above, I can’t be sure) the various resources max
out, so for example, one can’t stock up stagger at the start of the level to balance out
simultaneous marks at the end.

Unfortunately, the result is that each level is a grind. The player has to figure the routes right,
then adjust the timing so the resources don’t get depleted, then readjust the routes for the
timing of other characters. The reward is that one can then, finally exhausted, look at a
disappointing level score before entering an overlong dialogue scene. There’s no moment of
delight to reward a good solve, and almost never any moment of excitement in the course of

What I want out of a puzzler is the moment of revelation when a solution becomes clear. What
the characters are getting out of their adventure here is the joy of playing music together, but
the sloggy grind of actually playing Backbeat doesn’t provide the first and can’t mirror the
second. Although the game makes a respectable effort to connect the resources it’s asking
the player to manage to the mechanics of a successful funk session, it never finds the joy
inherent to the music. This is the right game for someone, surely, but not for me.

Rating: 4 out of 10

Disclosures: This game is developed and published by Ichigoichie.It is currently available on Linux, Mac, PC, PS4/5, Switch and XBO/X/S. This copy of the game was obtained via publisher and reviewed on a home-built Windows X PC equipped with a AMD Ryzen 2700X processor, an ASRock X470 motherboard, 32 GB RAM , and a single GeForce RTX 3080 graphics card using driver 531.68. Approximately 12 hours of play were devoted to the single-player mode, and the game was not completed. There are no multiplayer modes.

Parents: According to the ESRB, this game is rated E. No content warnings are noted. There are references to violence and alcohol but otherwise I noticed nothing objectionable.

Colorblind Modes: There are no colorblind modes available. Interaction points are linked to their outputs by colored symbols (unfortunately, often green, red, and yellow) and some required interaction points are designated solely by colored symbols and outlines (and not mentioned in the level’s starting information). The timelines are color-coded as well.

Deaf & Hard of Hearing Gamers: All dialogue in the game is in the form of text, although the text cannot be resized. The background of the text can be altered but examples are not shown while choosing. Despite its theme, the game has no essential sound cues, although the level-ending musical overview cannot be skipped.

Remappable Controls: No, this game’s controls are not remappable. On PC, movement and interaction in Backbeat are primarily controlled with the mouse, although sometimes the shift key must be pressed at the same time as a mouse click, and certain hotkeys (space, q, e, c) control actions in the levels. Sometimes button presses are mandatory in the menus as well.

https://gamecritics.com/sparky-clarkson/backbeat-review/feed/ 0 49867
Genesis Noir Review https://gamecritics.com/damiano-gerli/genesis-noir-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=genesis-noir-review https://gamecritics.com/damiano-gerli/genesis-noir-review/#respond Thu, 22 Apr 2021 00:04:00 +0000 https://gamecritics.com/?p=37981

Of All The Big Bangs, She Walked Into Mine

HIGH Every moment is graphically gorgeous.

LOW Discovering there's no autosave -- the hard way.

WTF An ending that seems to expand the infinite vastness of the universe.

Of All The Big Bangs, She Walked Into Mine

HIGH Every moment is graphically gorgeous.

LOW Discovering there’s no autosave — the hard way.

WTF An ending that seems to expand the infinite vastness of the universe.

While playing Genesis Noir, I kept trying to remember what it was about the demo I played last June that I appreciated so much? At the time I walked away from that small slice in love with its playfulness, and it remained stuck in my memory — I was excited to hear that it had finally been released! However, I suspect that demo gave the wrong impression about the true nature of Feral Cat Den’s title (as a whole) since the magic I recalled remains hidden for most of the experience.

Everything needed to know about the story is right there in the title — it is literally about Genesis (as in, the universe’s ‘big bang’) and it is a Noir-style tale. Beyond that… well, it’s not exactly straightforward to grasp or explain. The creation event and a man are juxtaposed with a story of a murder caused by jealousy. The ‘detective’ tracking down the main suspect is also merging with the mysterious creator of the universe itself. It’s not the average whodunnit story, for sure.

As for the gameplay, it seems to be mostly of the ‘click to advance’ variety — pop bubbles on the screen or walk to the end of an area to proceed. With this limited interface one might feel like a visitor in an art gallery, and rightly so. Every chapter features different environments for the player to gander at, but interactivity is limited only to what is required to progress. Despite this simplicity, there are several occasions where the player is tasked with waving their cursor around or blindly clicking on things while hoping to figure out what the designers intended.

Granted, there are a few actual puzzles here and there, like turning the hands on a clock or fiddling with knobs to guess the right frequency. None of it is terribly taxing or difficult to figure out, and in the grand scheme of things, these instances seemed almost like afterthoughts. Personally, I felt the more Genesis Noir tried to deliver an adventure-style point-and-click experience — even going as far as to feature sequences where the character walks around, picks up items and uses them — the less appropriate it felt to its ‘narrative meets art’ style.

Naturally, with its heart dipped in inky noir, there’s an appropriately smoky jazz soundtrack to go along with the gorgeous black and white art style that jumps out of screenshots. Make no mistake, the presentation here is entirely unique, combining cubism with early 1900 expressionism and a slice of Japanese ukiyo-e paintings. Seeing it in motion looks even more impressive despite some performance issues.

While Genesis Noir is a real looker and the adventure maintains a robust pacing throughout, the ending felt like it dragged on forever, and the final section throws its striking noir style out the window in favor of explosive colors and a sudden shift into electropop territory, complete with lyrics. After five minutes of that, I felt like the game had lost itself and I was just waiting for the credits to roll.

Apart from style and presentation issues, a major criticism I have is that Genesis Noir has no autosave nor manual save — which is fine — but the devs failed to address it in any way whatsoever. While I absolutely commend a developer who is clearly ‘doing their own thing’, that lack of communication led to easily-avoidable problems, like having to replay entire sections just because I had to answer a Skype call.

Genesis Noir stands out as an unique experience in the current landscape. There’s no argument there. However, for all of its gorgeous art, daring concepts and oblique storytelling, the gameplay and interaction required to succeed in this medium ends up failing to connect and doesn’t engage with the player in ways that feel significant .

Rating: 5.5 out of 10

Disclosures: This game is developed by Feral Cat Den and published by Fellow Traveller. It is currently available on PC. This copy of the game was obtained via publisher and reviewed on PC. Approximately 4 hours of play were devoted to the single-player mode and the game was completed. There are no multiplayer modes.

Parents: This game is rated T by the ESRB, and contains Mild Blood, Mild Violence, Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco. While nothing too graphic is ever shown, because of the complexity of the topics involved in its story, I would agree with the recommendation of this game to a teen audience. There is no salty language.

Colorblind Modes: There are no colorblind modes available.

Deaf & Hard of Hearing Gamers: While the game does feature several puzzles based on audio cues, there are also added visual references to aid the player, even though some still remain quite difficult without audio. Some hard-to-read text is also subtitled. I would warn less dexterous players that, at the moment, the game requires some pretty complicated mouse movements to solve some of the puzzles. The game is partially accessible.

Remappable Controls: The game’s controls are not remappable and can only be controlled via the mouse with added keyboard support for a couple of sequences. As mentioned, the controls are quite difficult to master in some of the puzzles because it is never explained how the player is supposed to move around the mouse.

https://gamecritics.com/damiano-gerli/genesis-noir-review/feed/ 0 37981