HIGH Frenetic and infectious shooting.
LOW The main story.
WTF Pen and Teller-spoofing characters?!
HIGH Frenetic and infectious shooting.
LOW The main story.
WTF Pen and Teller-spoofing characters?!
HIGH That moment when rare gear drops into existence is as pleasing as ever.
LOW There’s way too much repetition in the enemy encounters, designs and events.
WTF The real money skins cost an absolute fortune for things players will barely be able to see.
HIGH Still the best example of a shooter-soulslike hybrid ever.
LOW Noticeable glitches, but none gamebreaking.
WTF How is that boss targeting me from behind the boss fog?!
In 2012, I purchased a Star Citizen ship. I paid top dollar for a Cutlass Black — a small, sleek freighter with plenty of cargo space for booty — as my friends and I fully bought into Chris Roberts’ grandiose vision, dreaming of when we would sail the high galactic tides as space pirates.
HIGH Getting reintroduced to the colorful world of Torchlight.
LOW Realizing (in the first hour) that there’s little to it.
WTF I have no use for all that money I’ve spent hours grinding.
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