HIGH High-energy, fast pace and refined systems.
LOW Making the first boss a balls-hard Sekiro homage was a huge mistake.
WTF Where is that village key? And why are arrows so expensive?!?
HIGH High-energy, fast pace and refined systems.
LOW Making the first boss a balls-hard Sekiro homage was a huge mistake.
WTF Where is that village key? And why are arrows so expensive?!?
HIGH Stunning a group of enemies with a pistol barrage, then pulling off chain executions.
LOW Wanted: Dead‘s performance on XBX is a dumpster fire.
WTF Umm… where’s the rest of the game?
HIGH Tight action, deep systems. The blue gravestones.
LOW The controller mapping for demon powers makes no sense.
WTF Basic backstabbing is hidden in a locked skill tree.
HIGH Landing a well timed Power Blow that destroys the opponent—not to mention everyone and everything around them.
LOW Inconsistent netcode often leads to irritating online matches.
WTF Virtua Fighter characters made it into the series before Rachel and Momiji did? Seriously?
HIGH Swooping down onto an enemy battleship before destroying the entire fleet.
LOW The versus multiplayer is intolerably bad.
WTF "Hello Canna, I'm Ryu. It means 'Dragon.' Now, shake this scabby corrupted hand of mine. I said shake it!"
HIGH The responsive combat controls.
LOW The haphazard and awful excuse for a story mode.
WTF The sheer number of women getting backhanded.
HIGH When the game starts inverting and magnifying gravity.
LOW The cut-scene preceding a major boss encounter that depicts Samus as a sobbing child.
WTF Could you have maybe let me use the Varia suit before I spent all that time dying from heat?
HIGH The volleyball's not horrible.
LOW Everything else.
WTF All this emphasis on skin, and you can't zoom in any further?
HIGH Pulling off the dual-sword finishing combo that turns your opponent into the second-best thing since sliced bread.
LOW Stupid, pointless fetch-quests.
WTF Big-boobed sidekick gets her own helicopter and a bazooka, while I get little throwing stars and arrows.
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