Author: Darren Forman

Apex Legends Season 9: Legacy Hands-On Preview

It’s fair to say that Apex Legends has done okay for itself. Recently surpassing one hundred million unique players around the same time as it was celebrating its second anniversary, things are looking bright for the future of what I easily consider the best Battle Royale on the market right now.

Uppers Review

Punches And Pantsu

HIGH It has a great sense of style.

LOW The framerate tanks this badly on a Vita port?

WTF ‘Chicken Constable Honetsuki Juju’.

Wasteland 3 Review

A Merry Nuclear Winter

HIGH The writing and worldbuilding is frequently fantastic.

LOW The bugs are bad, but the loading times are worse.

WTF One of the skill paths is dedicated to… repairing toasters.