Author: Darren Forman

Killzone: Shadow Fall Review

Shadow Fail

Killzone: Shadow Fall Review Screenshot

HIGH The multiplayer can provide good times, though the campaign doesn't.

LOW The sadistically awful freefall section littered with instant death moments.

WTF Why can the protagonist suddenly fire rockets out of his face whilst airborne?

Splinter Cell: Blacklist Review

Stealth action, delivered with Conviction.

Splinter Cell: Blacklist Review Screenshot

HIGH Ghosting through a battleground of enemies shooting at where they think Sam might be hiding – and never once realising their mistake until it's too late.

LOW Hello, wildly out of place first person shooting segment.

WTF Andre Kobin goes from being an intensely detestable two-bit thug to the coolest character in the series? How did that happen?

Xcom: Enemy Within Review

Mechs come

XCOM Enemy Within Review Screenshot

HIGH My Mec unit punching an Exalt scumbag through a wall and halfway down the street.

LOW It all feels a little too familiar despite the changes.

WTF Those engineering lads at Xcom suggested cutting our agents apart just a little bit too quickly for comfort.

Forced Review

No going back

HIGH Clearing a difficult arena within a hair's breadth of bloody failure.

LOW No mid-mission checkpoints can lead to some mindless repetition.

WTF I'm unsure whether Balfus is supposed to be comic relief or not. He's so deliciously deadpan!

Alien Rage Review

Alien Irrelevance

Alien Rage Screenshot

HIGH It looks pretty.

LOW It plays like a dog.

WTF The person recording the audio logs actually mentions that they'll have to be collected from all around the station.

Race the Sun review

Mors Certa, Hora Incerta

Race the Sun Screenshot

HIGH Safely navigating an insane gauntlet of death at terrifying speeds.

LOW Seeing many of the same obstacles reappear two days on the trot.

WTF Why would anyone partake in this venture? Nobody survives it!