Comments on: Elden Ring Review-In-Progress Games. Culture. Criticism. Mon, 21 Mar 2022 09:30:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gareth Payne Mon, 21 Mar 2022 09:30:27 +0000 In reply to Mike Suskie.

I’ve been the same – I got to a point when I wanted to see the credits but it was at that point the developers just throw a bunch of hard bosses at the player, all in a short amount of time, with at least 2 feeling like complete BS. Going off and fully upgrading my mimic tear was how I was able to defeat a boss last night (the game is clearly balanced towards using ash summons). I also respec’d my character to incorporate dexterity and use a slightly quicker weapon.

However, I still stand by my point – it feels like a dip starting from the Fire Giant, too many bosses in a short amount of time. I think the fact that you recommend taking a break between them speaks clearly that there is just too much of them in a short space of time. Now that I’m up to the last boss I’m looking forward to moving on.

By: Ron Mon, 21 Mar 2022 05:30:51 +0000 Imagine how long Elden Ring 2’s review’s going to take to come out lol

By: Mike Suskie Mon, 21 Mar 2022 02:09:30 +0000 In reply to Gareth Payne.

I was also a melee/strength build for my first playthrough and while the last few bosses are definitely brutal, they didn’t sour the experience for me. Dunno if this’ll be helpful advice, but the endgame throws several SUPER difficult bosses at you in quick succession, and by that point I was kinda in a frenzy to get to the credits, which I think was kind of a detriment. It’s fatiguing to bang your head against a boss, FINALLY get through, and then immediately have to learn a new, equally difficult boss. Taking breaks in between them (i.e. going back and tackling optional stuff I hadn’t done yet) did wonders for clearing my head and getting me rational and focused.

Also, I know there’s a certain subset of Souls fans who think summoning is cheating, but it isn’t. Don’t be afraid to use those ash summons (or even bring in another player) to balance the scales and give you more breathing room. That stuff is there for you to use it 🙂

I’d also experiment with those weapon skills — some of them are insanely overpowered, even after the recent patch. I found one that just straight-up reduces a boss’s maximum health.

By: Gareth Payne Sun, 20 Mar 2022 22:24:40 +0000 In reply to Mike Suskie.

Really interested to see your full review Mike because man, I’m up to the last boss and the last few bosses have really put a dampener on things for me. Some right BS there, seems like I’ve been punished for using a strength/melee character. It has sullied the experience for me to be honest! Though it is very much a From Software thing for there to be a late game dip.

By: Gareth Payne Tue, 15 Mar 2022 08:17:33 +0000 In reply to Mike Suskie.

Ha no worries!

I think I let my general criticisms around an open world games cloud my judgement a little, because as you say it isn’t empty at all!

I suppose I wasn’t expecting a whole new battle system, just one that made adjustments to freshen it a bit, like Bloodborne or Sekiro (admittedly I haven’t played that yet). I also feel like a lot of the bosses are balanced more towards co-op/summoning, you might disagree with me here – perhaps I’m just getting worse at these games.

In the context of a game I have sunk 60 hours into so far and playing it whenever i’m free, these are minor issues. I don’t get as hooked into games like this anymore – not since Bloodborne and to a lesser extent Dark Souls 3. It really is an amazing experience.

By: Mike Suskie Tue, 15 Mar 2022 07:19:50 +0000 In reply to Gareth Payne.

Oh, whoops, I completely missed that you’d posted other comments. My fault for turning off notifications. (Blame Hollow Knight/Ghost of Tsushima fans.) I don’t think I would have known what to make of your initial note about the world feeling empty, because that is the exact opposite of my experience. I can’t remember ever playing an open world game that felt this generous in terms of both quantity and variety of things to do.

Anyway, glad you’ve come around on it! I’ve heard a couple of other people express the same criticism that it’s nothing new mechanically, and I get it, but now having seen the whole scope of the game, I honestly think it would have been exhausting for them to give us a game this huge *and* expect us to master a whole new combat system on top of that. Happy to roam free engaging in combat that I’m already super comfortable with.

By: Gareth Payne Wed, 09 Mar 2022 18:17:30 +0000 In reply to Gareth Payne.

Just a quick update – 40 hours in now and I’m completely hooked! Still would’ve liked more of a change in terms of gameplay but the scope and variety of the open world is amazing. Still rate Dark Soul and Bloodborne above it but Elden Ring is very secure in third. Nice to have my previous doubts extinguished.

By: Gareth Payne Mon, 28 Feb 2022 12:33:33 +0000 In reply to Mike Suskie.

I have dined on it that’s for sure, I’m up to Godrick now.

I’m enjoying it but it does feel very much like open world Dark Souls which isn’t necessarily a good thing.

The world looks amazing but it also feels a bit empty. And I miss how the likes of Bloodborne really changed some of the formula. This seems more like a Dark Souls rehash in an open world setting. I realise some of this is personal preference – I prefer games with a tighter design over open world settings.

I’m still really enjoying it but as Bloodborne and Dark Souls are 2 of my all time favourite games the bar is set really high.

By: Johnson Sat, 26 Feb 2022 02:22:42 +0000 After playing the game for 20 hours I find it incredibly dull. Open World was a mistake and this game is honestly nowhere near as good as Dark Souls or Bloodborne.

By: Mike Suskie Thu, 24 Feb 2022 05:20:22 +0000 In reply to Gareth Payne.

This weekend you dine, my friend.
