Author: Mike Suskie

Alien: Isolation Review

Get Out of the Room

Alien Isolation

HIGH Everything involving the alien.

LOW A lengthy midgame segment that has nothing to do with the alien.

WTF Reuniting the original cast and then walling them off for preorders.

Hyrule Warriors Review

It Smells Nice Too

Hyrule Warriors

HIGH The Dynasty Warriors take on classic Cucco rage.

LOW Some massive slowdown in local co-op.

WTF The one big reference to Majora's Mask. Just… wait for it.

Velocity 2X Review

Do It Quickly


HIGH The second Glaive battle.

LOW Occasional putzing around when switching between two control schemes.

WTF Oh, her name is "Kai Tana"? Haaaaaaa.

Ryse: Son of Rome PC Preview

  There was a big fuss last year when it was revealed that Ryse: Son of Rome would only run at 900p on Xbox One, which was, at the time, the only platform for which the game would be released. I'm sure that plenty of the people making the commotion […]

Abyss Odyssey Review

Combo Cancel This Port

Abyss Odyssey Review Screenshot

HIGH That red skeleton violinist guy.

LOW The monstrous performance problems plaguing the Xbox 360 port.

WTF Another side-scrolling action game with no d-pad control? Seriously?

Rogue Legacy Review

Just One More Round

HIGH Getting an endomorph barbarian with gigantism and chakram.

LOW Accidentally picking a character with vertigo and playing upside-down.

WTF What is this? A font size for ants?


Watch Dogs Review

Hacking Into My Heart

Watch Dogs Review Screenshot

HIGH Remote-triggering a guard's grenade and watching him accidentally throw it at another guard.

LOW The game's story is a total afterthought.

WTF Was this really the best licensed soundtrack Ubisoft could throw together?

LEGO The Hobbit Review

The Desolation of LEGO Games

LEGO The Hobbit Review Screenshot

HIGH Seeing the films' dramatic scenes reenacted with LEGOs, as usual.

LOW Going from my Dark Souls binge to this shallow, lightweight fare.

WTF A LEGO game on PS4 and they still can't get it running higher than 30fps?

Full Bore Review

A Full Chore

Full Bore Review Screenshot

HIGH Watching Frederick repeatedly bash his face against blocks he can't break

LOW Stepping a space too far, falling to the bottom of the area and having to climb all the way back up.

WTF The story is only made possible because the main character walks into what is clearly a minefield

The Castle Doctrine Review

An Impenetrable Wall

Castle Doctrine Review Screenshot

HIGH Collecting money from unsuccessful home invaders.

LOW Losing hard work after getting killed by a sleeping dog.

WTF This guy needs to empty his backpack to make room for the money and leaves his tools at the scene of the crime? What?