I’ve been keeping an eye on this page of our GMing Wiki for several weeks now, and it’s time to give it a wider audience.
The Play-by-Post Forums page compares 14 sites dedicated to PbP gaming based on a range of criteria, and it packs a ton of data about each site into a relatively small space. Props to the authors, Blayz, LeeCHeSSS, Lilac, Nerwen, PointSingularity and WeaveWarden — you’ve done a great job at making this page into a useful resource.
If you’re considering starting a PbP game, looking to join one or just interested in what’s out there, this page is an excellent place to start.
Thanks for the spot ‘o publicity, Martin! The Play-by-Post comparison is definitely still a work in progress (like all good wikis, eh?), so any further help other TreasureTablers feel like contributing would most certainly be welcome.
Like virtually everything here on TT, the PbP wiki page is excellent.
I had already seen Myth Weavers mentioned in a comment here at TT, and after visiting the site for only a few minutes I was enamored. All of the green boxes on the PbP wiki page confirm my suspicions that it’s one of the best sites out there for on-line (non-MMO) gaming.
I’m still trying to get into my first MW game as a player, but my main goal is to get through that quickly and move on to GMing my own campaign. I hope that I can use a PbP group to play-test this adventure I’ve been mulling for the past several months.
This was solid work on the part of you and the other page authors, WeaveWarden — thank you for taking the time to make it so comprehensive.