Article Archives

Dungeons, Dragons, and Emotional Development

Tabletop RPG are more than just escapism—they help with emotional and social growth. Studies show that role-playing can boost empathy, improve social skills, and even reduce anxiety. Plus, it’s a fun way to explore different sides of your personality in a safe space. Whether you’re convincing an NPC to give you a discount or figuring out how to lead your party, you’re learning real-world skills in the most entertaining way possible.

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Give Them a War Room: Player Facing Threat Maps

I love foisting eldritch artifacts or ancient magics onto their shoulders. I take glee in giving them influence within an important organization and seeing what they’ll do. It allows me to ask tough questions about how and when they use their great power responsibly (thanks, Uncle Ben). Plus, it gives my players the power to enact real change in the game – something all of us can sometimes feel powerless to do in our real lives. (My group’s go-to power fantasy is making the world a better place.)

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It Came From The Stew Pot

Hey you. Yeah, you. Do you know about Gnomecast 21? Why isn’t it in the archives? What are they hiding? If you value your safety… don’t go searching for Gnomecast 21…

Gnomecast 21 poster with a beared gnome and the words "I survived Gnomecast #21

What Are People Saying?

What are people saying?

“If you aren’t reading Gnome Stew, you’re missing out.”

Wolfgang Baur, Kobold Press

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